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Three Simple Ways to Keep That RootsTech Energy Going

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RootsTech 2023 Classes

If you were there in person, you know how much you missed.  If you participated virtually, there's more to learn. If you didn't get to RootsTech at all in 2023, it's not too late.

There was so much to see and do at RootsTech for those who were there in person - and even for those of you participating virtually from home.  With multiple things going on in any given hour, it was impossible to get to everything you might have wanted to see and do.  Luckily, many of the classes were recorded so we can still watch them.  For example, I missed Sean Astin's keynote because I was in the media hub being interviewed by Connie Knox of GenealogyTV.  So, for me, that's first on my watch list.  There is more.

What do you still want to watch?

I know you watched all four of my RootsTech presentations 😉 but I suspect you might want to watch them again.  Whether you were there in person or were watching online, there is only so much we can catch the first time around.  Especially when our brains are full to overflowing by the end of the first day.  I plan on rewatching Dr Deborah Abbott's presentations - both of them.  And, I will be taking notes this time around.

What are you going to rewatch?

One thing that genealogy conferences really do for me is inspire me to get to work on my own family history.  I'm always reinvigorated to tackle a long standing brick wall or to dig back into my DNA match list to apply the things I’ve learned.  One of the challenges, however, is that the inspiration I get from listening to a great presenter doesn’t always transfer into the reality of working on my own family history research.  That’s why I love a good case study, hands-on learning workshop, or course with a workbook.  I’ve also learned the value in recent months of just watching someone else work on their own family tree.  The tips and tricks I’m able to glean are immediately transferable into my own experience.  I'm excited to invite Nicka Sewell-Smith as my first guest genealogist to pajamas & pedigrees™ this month so I can watch this time.

What continuing education opportunities are you taking advantage of?

That’s it!  Three simple things you can do to keep the learning energy of RootsTech going for months to come.

  1. Watch classes you might have missed.
  2. Re-watch some of your favorite classes.
  3. Put what you learned into practice.

Anything else you are doing?

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