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Announcing the Heartwarming Podcast You Never Knew You Needed

What if the most powerful way to strengthen your family’s future is to look to the past?

You’ve done an amazing job raising your kids.  But now, they...

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Family ChartMasters Announces New Ownership

I've watched this amazing company grow over the last twenty years  into something really special that fills a big need in the genealogy industry.  Along the...

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Spring Cleaning - Family History Style

After a long winter, it's time for a little spring cleaning.  So, take a break from prepping your garden, deep cleaning your house, and shampooing the...

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What You Missed in Our March 2023 p&p Sessions

pajamas & pedigrees™ just became a whole lot more valuable!  In March, for the first time, in addition to the regular three sessions for the month with...

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How to Ask and Answer Genealogy Questions: An Analogy

When you have a genealogy question, do you know how to ask good questions to get the right answers that will have you successfully climbing your own family tree and...

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Three Simple Ways to Keep That RootsTech Energy Going

If you were there in person, you know how much you missed.  If you participated virtually, there's more to learn. If you didn't get to RootsTech at all in 2023,...

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What You Missed in Our Feb 2023 Sessions

Uncovering and Documenting the Scandals in the Family Tree

In the Feb 7th session, I reveal a scandal I discovered in my family tree.  I share how to document...

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Love Your Lineage - a new family history podcast

Since 2011, I have ended every episode of The Barefoot Genealogist with the tag line, "Have fun climbing your family tree."  For me, whether I am making...

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When Was the Last Time You Printed Your Family Tree?

Every year I print my family tree and hang it up where I can see it often. It’s like a map of the journey that I’m on. I want to know where I’ve...

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What You Missed in Our Jan 2023 Sessions

Our January pedigrees & pajamas™ sessions were a grab bag of a little bit of everything genealogy related.  How to get started building a family...

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